
About the Church

The Chain

The Beginning

It started on Saturday, October 12 when Home Baked Bread responded to Overthetop_G with: 'Bro really took the meme with my name attached :kek:'

The above screenshot was sent by Elias responding Home Baked Bread. This was the first part of the chain. Then, The Amish Inquisition sent a screenshot of that and Stertle da Turtle09 sent a screenshot of that

More people began helping out...

Disagreements in the Chain

Schismisms and the First Council

Not long after there were schisms...

First schism Attempted merging

This created a disagreement in which was the correct path in the chain. LJswimmaster created a screenshot and some tried to follow that chain.

The Church Doctrines

The Creed

I believe in one holy chain, which shall be continued throughout the meme channel, each of us taking it in turns to screenshot the message before posting it, carrying on the ancient tradition. If anyone refuses to merge after schism let him be anathema. Those who are in schism will be ignored when posting heretical lines. If anyone posts a screenshot upside down for the chain, let him be anathema. If anyone posts a screenshot which is in a especially dark or light color, let him be anathema. Chain restorationism is heretical


What is the heresy of chain restorationism?

Chain Restorationism is a condemned heresy that believes we should restart from the original screenshot due to claims of the chain being invalid. It was condemned by Pope Nathan